Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Angular & Visual Studio - Part 2 - Directives, Views, Routing & Controller basics.

So far we have a project all set up ready for a SPA to be built. We start this by introducing "directives".

4. Directives Basics

Directives are custom html attributes on html elements that are defined and used by angular to operate on the element containing the directive. In contrast to what you might have done in the past, target an element using jQuery Sizzle selectors and then operate on those elements, Angular uses a declarative paradigm where you declare on the element what you want done to it.

Angular provides a number of commonly used directives but allows you to easily create your own custom directives. The built in directives are preceded by "ng-" or "data-ng-". "data-" should be used on all custom html attributes if you want to follow html standards, however Angular does work with or without the "data-" prefix.

Ok, back to the code. In the shell page there are two important directives to get started:

data-ng-app - is applied to a root element on the shell page to tell Angular this is in-fact an Angular application. The value for this attribute defines the name of your angular module.

data-ng-view - is applied to the element that has the views switched into asynchronously (more on this later). This directive does not use the value, but for good HTML form we will apply an empty value.

Apply the two directives like in this example:

5. View Basics

Views are the "pages" of the SPA. They contain the HTML content for each page. We will begin with static content, but as we will investigate later, they can be very dynamic through the use of Angular directives, data-binding, templating, services and more.

For now we will create three views with a little content just to show what view is being shown; Home, Catalog, and Cart.

To do this, right-click on the app>views folder that was created earlier, and click Add>New Item.

Then find the "HTML Page" template and rename the file to the view name "Home".

Repeat this to also create views for "Catalog" and "Cart".

Visual Studio will insert some bare-bone HTML content that we do not want into the views we just created, remove it all and insert a little bit of content to illustrate what view it is e.g. "This is the Cart view".

Now that we have some simple views, we need to wire them up in Angular using routes.

6. Main Angular File & Routing Basics

Before we start with routes, we need to create the Angular Module for this application. It is the JavaScript object that provides the entry point to the Angular functionality. This is essentially is analogous to the  "main" function in other frameworks/languages.

The Angular module does not need to be in its own file, none of the code actually does, but I prefer to keep it structured for maintainability and readability.

In your root SPA App folder, create a new JavaScript file called main.js and insert the following code.

Notice the code for the routing. The first parameter in each 'when' function call defines the hash based route. The second parameter is a object containing another important parameter, templateUrl, this defines the URL of the view to load when the particular route has been selected.

One last thing we need to do before we can see the routing working, add a reference to the main.js file to the shell page after all the other scripts. Hit F5 and run the app. It should open to the default route and show the Home view. Then modify the URL by adding a route after the hash e.g. /#/Cart or /#/Catalog. You should see that the view changes.

If you use developer tools within your browser to observe network activity, you should notice that the views are not loaded on the initial page load, but are loaded on demand asynchronously and then cached.

7. Navigation bar and Styling

Before we go any further, we can add a little styling to the app to help aesthetics and convince ourselves this will be a useful app. To do this, we can use some Bootstrap to help us structure and style the content, and also provide a neat navigation bar which we will extend the functionality with later using Angular.

Add the Bootstrap navigation bar to make the body in your shell look like the following:

Notice that the links in the navigation bar use our routing. Click the links and you should see the content for the corresponding view. This will do for now, we will make use of bootstrap progressively throughout development of this app.

8. Controller Basics

An Angular controller is a JavaScript method that is run automatically by Angular when a particular view comes into context. In this method we can provide our views behavior and data through a viewmodel type object that Angular names $scope. You don't need to worry about setting up $scope, you just tell Angular that you want to use it by declaring it in the function argument list, and Angular will inject it.

In this app, I will create a discrete file for each controller. Angular does not care where you put the controllers, they can even be in script blocks in the shell, but I prefer to keep things organized for easier maintainability. The files can be minimized and bundled later if performance is an issue. So create a controller for each of the views as shown in the tree structure below. They are just empty JavaScript files, remember these are not .NET MVC controllers, they are Angular controllers.

Now that we have some files, we can create the controller method using the Angular syntax in the snippet below.

This starts out by referencing the Angular application object we created earlier (myStore). Then calling the Angular controller method to create our own new controller method. The first argument to the Angular controller method is the name of the controller, we will use this in a moment to wire up this controller to the view using the routing setup. the second argument is an object array. This is a convention Angular uses throughout the framework to provide dependency injection. All of the items in this array are strings telling Angular what we want to use, and the last item is a function that will use the requested items with an argument list matching the previously requested items. There are different forms of syntax to achieve this in Angular, but this is common and easy to read once you know it.

As mentioned, the last item in the object array is a method called when the controller is initialized, and Angular will handle dependencies if requested. To begin with we will only ask for the $scope object so we can pass behavior and data to a view matched with this controller. The $scope object is a little more than what we describe here, but this will get us started.

Do the same for the Cart and Catalog Controllers, but make sure to give them their own unique names e.g. CartCtrl and CatalogCtrl.

When that is complete, come back to the Home controller and we will add some data and a function to use in the Home view. Populate your controller so it looks like the following:

Before we can use this controller we need to reference the controller files to the shell so they are downloaded during the initial app load. Add the references as illustrated in the following screen grab of the shell (index.cshtml).

Now we need to connect the controllers to the views using the routing system. All you need to do is add the name of the controllers to your route's 'controller' property in the main.js file.

Now we are ready to use our controllers and views together, this will be in the third part of this series.

This is some very intriguing content using pretty print.
for(var i = 0; i < 9; i++)
var banana = "yellow";

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Angular & Visual Studio - Part 1 - Getting Started


I remember only a couple years back thinking: "what could possibly cause me to dump jQuery". After all, it made JavaScript easy! (Note: there was nothing much wrong with JavaScript, it was the differing DOM APIs that each browser provided that made it hard.) After getting serious about client-side development and watching the space mature, I now have found my answer, Single Page Application frameworks. No I am not saying your mad jQuery skills are irrelevant, but when developing a SPA you really now have the choice on whether or not jQuery is needed. 

What this is?

This multi-part series is going to detail a process to help anyone get a SPA up and running from scratch using Visual Studio 2012 and a MVC4 .NET project. This will start out very basic so you don't need to know anything about a particular framework, but I'm going to assume that you already know the basics components of a SPA. This will also include Twitter Bootstrap for styling site, hopefully I can keep it simple enough to explain easily.

The example developed will be a simple e-commerce site. Live version available soon.

Why Angular?

There are a few tools out there that provide a SPA functionality and I am not here to argue which one is the best for you. All I will say is that the two I really appreciate are John Papa's Hot Towel stack and Angular JS.

If you are just getting started in your SPA adventures and want to know how things work under the hood, I would recommend starting with Angular. Angular provides a very complete framework that doesn't require much else for a decent sized application. Although Hot Towel is a great solution, it uses a couple different libraries to provide the functionality of a SPA and I feel that it adds complexity when getting started.


The main Angular site -
Angular documentation -
Angular GitHub -
Module Resource -

1. Getting Visual Studio prepared

Visual Studio has gained a lot of ground in the client-side development domain and it only continues to get better with their updates and the web essentials extension. I now feel that it provides a full enough feature set that I can use it effectively for client side development.

This series will focus on Visual Studio 2012, although it shouldn't be too hard to follow along with 2010.
  1. Make sure your Visual Studio instance is up to date. Tools>Extensions and Updates>Updates(left pane).
  2. Have web essentials extension installed, download here.
  3. Install this intellisense extension that will give you angular support. Note: I modify the angularJSDirectives.xsd file to add "data-" in front of all the ng-xxx directives to follow HTML5 standards.

2. Create the new project

Create a new Basic MVC4 Web Application project in VS.
This opens the New Project Dialog.

Use the search in the top right of dialog to search for "mvc 4 c#".
Select "ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application" in the results.
Set project name and location and click OK.

Next dialog select Basic template. Just to avoid clutter for now I un-check the "create a unit test.." checkbox since I don't plan on doing server side testing.

Using the NuGet, add AngularJS, AngularJS UI Bootstrap, and Bootstrap using the NuGet manager.
Tools>Library Package Manager>Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...

Click on the "Online" item in the left panel, then use the search in the top right to search for the package.

First install Angular JS and Angular JS UI Bootstrap.

Then install bootstrap without the jQuery dependency (just to show how jQuery is no longer the client-side panacea).

Create the HomeController by right-clicking on the Controllers folder > Add > Controller

Change the name to HomeController.

Add the Home/Index.cshtml view by right clicking on the Index action method within the HomeController class.

Then un-check the "Use a layout..." checkbox, then Add the view.

You should now see a bare-bones html template with a little razor syntax. This will be the SPA shell page. This is the one page that does load with a non-asynchronous HTTP request.

Now we need to add references to the stylesheets and scripts of the libraries we installed using NuGet earlier. This is easily done by dragging the files from the solution explorer over to the <head> of the shell. Your shell look something like this.

3. Create the SPA Folder Structure

The folder structure is completely flexible and you should have no problem coming up with your own structure, but I will suggest the following while setting up your first SPA projects as it keeps a nice visual separation of the types of files and their roles.

We can start off with a root folder for the SPA and sub-folders for the Views and the Controllers. If this terminology doesn't sound familiar you might want to learn a little about the MVW patterns to feel comfortable; MVC, MVVM, and MVP .

Alright, we should be all geared up to dive into Angular at this point. We will begin by setting up a really simple multi-page app to illustrate how the Angular framework is structured - in part 2 of this series.